Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Theories of Policy Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypotheses of Policy Process - Essay Example The hypothesis suggests a few approaches can possibly change if certain limits like tenacity and stakes of an establishment are accessible. Strategies are ordered into long haul approaches and transient arrangements. A model is if the country’s constitution expresses that a president should govern for two terms it is hard to actualize another approach, which recommends that the president must guideline for one term, or three terms. Punctuated harmony hypothesis tries to clarify straightforward perceptions like political procedures. Political procedures are constantly connected with incrementalism and dependability; they once in a while produce enormous scope takeoffs from an earlier time. Most strategy zones experience balance despite the fact that an emergency can happen. America is encountering huge scope changes in policymaking and governmental issues. Some Government projects can be adjusted so as to suit change. Qualities The hypothesis incorporates times of balance or close to harmony. If an issue is seized by a subsystem and times of disequilibrium, at that point a full scale political plan happens. A large scale political plan can progress to the degree of causing changes in the approach procedure. Thusly, as per this hypothesis little changes bring about enormous changes. Shortcoming The hypothesis is just appropriate to circumstances confronting balance or harmony. If there is no harmony factors and requirement for change, at that point the arrangement neglects to exist. The Stage Heuristic Theory The hypothesis expresses that the most ideal approach to contemplate policymaking is to separate it to stages.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Tempest Film Essay Example

The Tempest Film Paper Julie Taymor discharges what she should believe, is a ‘hopeful’ adjustment of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’. That’s all it is confident. That's it. The brief looks at innovativeness are exceeded by what appears now and again, a bizarre execution. Immaterial of Prospero experiencing a sex change, Helen Mirren certainly thrives as the female Prospera. Taymor’s change comes as a fascinating turn, putting the character on a corresponding with the abhorrent witch Sycorax †something that, seemingly, Shakespeare’s adaptation neglects to do. Additionally, it is exciting to see the passing on of the mother-girl connection among Prospera and Miranda unfurl, as opposed to the first dad little girl relationship. In any case, for the bigger piece of the film it essentially doesn’t do equity; ‘A respectable cut at the Bard at the end of the day an unacceptable film’ (A. Tracker, Daily Express, March 4, 2011). Over the span of the film, I attempted to stay hopeful. For each time Ben Whishaw skipped around butt-exposed on my screen to my uneasiness as Ariel, for each time the disgusting, out-dated and abused CGI supplemented by the maddening 70’s stone like non diagetic score supported my faculties, and for each time I tried to simply want a storm for Taymor, for discoloring Djimon Honsou‘s pride by giving him a role as an odious Caliban †which might I venture to state John Gorrie’s 1980’s Caliban depicts all the more convincingly I remained quietly hopeful. We will compose a custom article test on The Tempest Film explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Tempest Film explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Tempest Film explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In any case, at that point it was a lot to hold up under. The peculiarity that bewildered totally was Russell Brand, showing up as, well himself. Brand isn’t appropriate for film. His overdramatic execution as Trinculo could demonstrate successful in a potential stage adjustment, as Shakespeare’s hilarious characters are generally misrepresented. Be that as it may, never on film. It feels that Brand’s throwing is related simply, with the goal of drawing in a more youthful crowd †A type of fraud that even Prospera would be glad for. His very nearness from the presentation appeared parody like. Despite the fact that I attempted, I just would him be able to truly, even as the alcoholic that is Trinculo †a character that ostensibly is nearer adjusted to his genuine character! Exactly when I thought it couldn’t deteriorate Russell Brand, Djimon Honsou and Alfred Molina, all stumble into the edge, being pursued by what appears as though animation hound dogs †skipping and screaming like sensational school young ladies. Essentially monstrous. I was bewildered concerning whether the planned impact was to chuckle with them or at them. I did neither †only shook my head in dismay. â€Å"You can without much of a stretch go toward a path that makes Caliban a joker, however you’re missing when you do that†, cites Taymor in a meeting (when gotten some information about the possibility of playing into generalizations with the characterisation of Caliban). Perhaps, quite possibly, Taymor ought to recognize her own studies, as for this situation she is totally â€Å"missing† in her delineation (a sensation that this has happened before for Taymor need I notice her basically panned adjustment of Spider-Man). Taymor ‘’misses’’ out necessary elements that Shakespeare strived so strongly to set up; the affection loathe relationship (preceding slave driver connection) among Caliban and Prospero, and also, the pivotal epilog, where Prospero demands the crowd to set him free †apparently the scene wherein harmony is convincingly reestablished. In the event that you happen to be in the film, needing to see a convincing film adjustment of one of Shakespeare’s works, and are thinking about this one run. Run as far as possible and don’t think back. In any case, in the event that you are in the organization of intelligent children, and need a harmony between Scooby-Doo type humor and a ‘tragicomedy account Julie Taymor’s ‘The Tempest’ is for you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quayle, Dan

Quayle, Dan Quayle, Dan (James Danforth Quayle), 1947â€", Vice President of the United States (1989â€"93), b. Indianapolis. He graduated from DePauw Univ. (1969) and served in the Indiana National Guard (1969â€"75). The son of a prominent Indiana publishing family, he graduated from law school (Indiana Univ., 1974) and then became associate publisher and general manager of the Huntington Herald-Press. In 1976 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a conservative Republican. In 1980 he was elected to the Senate, defeating three-term incumbent Birch Bayh, and was reelected in 1986. In 1988 Republican presidential candidate George H. W. Bush selected Quayle as his running mate. Although not taken seriously by the media at first, he became an effective speaker for conservative issues. He chaired the President's Council on Competitiveness, which attempted to reduce governmental and environmental regulation on businesses. Renominated in 1992, he attacked the Hollywood media and campaigned vigorously in defense of the Bush administration's record. Bush and Quayle lost the election to Bill Clinton and Al Gore . Quayle mounted an abortive run for the 2000 Republican presidential nomination in 1999. See his memoir, Standing Firm (1994); R. F. Fenno, The Making of a Senator (1989); D. S. Broader and B. Woodward, The Man Who Would be President (1992). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Saturday, May 23, 2020

LOMBARDI Surname Meaning and Family History

Lombardi is a geographical surname for someone who came from Lombardy, a region in northern Italy which got its name from the Lombards, a Germanic tribe who invaded in the 6th century. The name also sometimes was used to denote immigrants from other parts of northern Italy. Even today, the name is most prevalent in the city of Milano in Lombardia, Italy. Alternate Surname Spellings:  LOMBARDO, LOMBARDINI, LOMBARDELLI, LOMBARDY, LOMBARD Surname Origin:  Italian Famous People with the LOMBARDI Surname Vince Lombardi - legendary football coach of the Green Bay Packers; the National Foot Ball Leagues Super Bowl trophy is named in his honorJohnny Lombardi - Canadian pioneer of multicultural broadcastingErnie Lombardi - Major League Baseball player Fun Facts About the LOMBARDI Surname Lombardis, the first pizzeria in the United States, opened in 1905 as the birth place of New York style pizza.   Where is the LOMBARDI Surname Most Common? The Lombardi surname is found most prevalently in Italy, according to surname distribution data from Forebears, where it ranks as the 20th most common last name in the country. It is also somewhat common in Argentina and Brazil. In the United States, Lombardi families are found in greatest numbers in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Surname data from  WorldNames PublicProfiler  also demonstrates the prevalence of the Lombardi surname in Italy. Although the name originated in Lombardia, the numbers are now greatest in the Molise region, followed by Basilicata, Toscana, Campania, Puglia, Lazio and then Lombardia. Lombardi is also a fairly common name in Tessin, Switzerland. Genealogy Resources for the Surname LOMBARDIMeanings of Common Italian Surnames Uncover the meaning of your Italian last name with this free guide to Italian surname meanings and origins for the most common Italian surnames. Lombardi  Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Lombardi family crest or coat of arms for the Lombardi surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. LOMBARDI Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Lombardi ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Lombardi ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries.   FamilySearch - LOMBARDI GenealogyExplore over 600,000  results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Lombardi surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GeneaNet - Lombardi  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Lombardi surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. Ancestry.com: Lombardi SurnameExplore over 300,000 digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Lombardi surname on the subscription-based website, Ancestry.com. ----------------------- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to  Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Monday, May 11, 2020

The World Since World War II Essay - 1739 Words

Often times, natural disasters in the United States get large public media attention for several months. This can be seen in 2005 with Hurricane Katrina or in 2012 with Hurricane Sandy. There were hundreds of people across the country willing to donate food, clothing, and blood for months. However, in contrast the 2011 Tohuku earthquake in Japan received little attention publicly, but still received aid from the United States military. Often times, natural disasters are the first considered for needs of Humanitarian aid, however, that is quiet limiting to the various situations of different states. People of countries could be dealing with health issues, in-state war or external war, as a natural lack of wealth among the people. While many Americans feel that they are responsible for being the superhero of the world since World War II, there is also a strong sentiment that there should be little involvement in external affairs and let the states take their course, whether that be goo d of bad for the individuals within it. This notion is horrendously outdated in the current global standing of the United States. With as much wealth that is available in the United States, it should be expected that the responsibilities of the United States, as well as other developed countries, is to fulfill the requests made by the United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the minimum, regardless of what state an individual is born to. When considering this idea, there areShow MoreRelatedThe Crisis Since World War II977 Words   |  4 Pagesshaking building to tumble to its death. Screams can be heard amidst the chaos. No, this isn’t the setting of a bad dream, or even the plot of a scene depicting the throws of war. Terror, violence, and bloodshed, mark the reality of the civil war in Syria, which some claim is the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II. It seems like everyone has an opinion regarding what strides should be taken to resolve the issue, but no one answer can solve the problem at hand. The conflict in Syria hasRead MoreSyria s Refugee Crisis Since The World War II1017 Words   |  5 PagesThe world has not seen a disaster quite as extreme as Syria’s refugee crisis since the event of World War II. With civil unrest and violence disfiguring the nation into a place where only destruction is promised, the state of Syria has forced millions of people out of their homes with no choice but to flee. Without a secure destination ahead, the war is just one problem out of the many that refugees will come face-to-face with on their road to safety. Many countries have voiced their position onRead MoreRealism vs. Idealism: How American Foreign Policy Has Changed Since World War Ii2592 Words   |  11 PagesPolicy Has Changed Since World War II Throughout the first 125 years of her history, the United States was, for the most part, an isolationist nation. After the onset of two world wars, however, America moved from an isolationist stance to become one of the world’s two superpowers. This stance would remain for almost 50 years, until the Soviet Union would come crashing down, leaving America standing as the lone superpower. But how did American foreign policy influence the world over those 50 yearsRead MoreThe Recession Since World War II Essay1228 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great Recession period was between the end of 2007 and the middle of 2009, which makes it the lengthiest recession since World War II. 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The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a tragic day in history, society benefited because the U.S. Navy was proven to be the world’s greatest navy, once World War II ended an economicRead MoreCauses and Consequences of World War II777 Words   |  3 Pages World War II: Causes and Consequences On September 1, 1939 World War II started after Adolf Hitler signs the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler shortly attacks Poland, not keeping his promise. Shortly after the attack France and Britain declare war on Germany. Hitler was the cause of World War II since he broke the treaty causing other countries like Britain and France to declare war. Hitler kept all the Jews in concentration camps because he thoughtRead More The Eye of the Hurricane986 Words   |  4 Pagesstatus, since it maintained its trade with Germany. Switzerland’s struggle against fascism stemmed from its fundamental disagreement with the Nazi ideology. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Different Paradigms for Analysing Organisation Free Essays

string(163) " learning and skill acquisition, as well as information sharing, which may be particularly important in conditions of growing economic uncertainty \(Wagner et al\." Organisations that are increasingly becoming flatter owing to the growing popularity and importance of team work for effectiveness in performance and high performance goals to obtain competencies so as to meet challenges in the business environment. With the growth in complexity in the internal and external business environment, organisational structural changes have become highly complex as well. When it comes to analyzing organisations several complex issues and areas prevent an easy analysis to take place. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Paradigms for Analysing Organisation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Such complexities emerge from the multi—agent nature of the organisational activities, where several personnel belonging to different departments come to interact cross-sectional to perform activities therein producing the scope for team work (Scott, 2001). However, organisations at present, despite of the growth in the use of team work and the, at times, essential use of team work, still use conventional hierarchical structures which is another source complexity. Organisations in the midst of managerial and commercial challenges face structural complexities (Amiguet, et al. , 2002). The paper attempts to produce the insight into how the organizations can be analysed upon different basis so as to generate the implications and scope for the effective use of teamwork in the organisations for each of the element and basis used in the analysis. The theories that emerge from social sciences indicate graphical representation of organisations and are often termed as ‘informal’ (Morgan, 1996; Mintzberg, 2001). They are used in analyzing organizations widely but they fail to provide a very detailed structural view of the organisation and create an abstract level evaluation. The detailed dynamics that are found to exist, especially in the modern organisations that are equally important for the use of team work in organisations are largely left out and failed to be evaluated using the social sciences framework (Dastani, et al. , 2004). However, the models hailing from their background of social sciences the importance of explicit modelling of agents and their underlying interactions and coordination within the organisational work flow and lines of authority is recognized immensely (Lomi and Larsen, 2001; Ferber, et al. , 2003). This is so because the environment that includes the performance stimulating and performance deviating forces and factors and the role of agents functioning within the rganisation at an inter-departmental level, influence greatly the effective use of team work in organisations and the effective performance in general (Dastani, et al. , 2004). There are basically 4 key sociological perspectives introduced by Burrel and Morgan (1979) upon which organizations can be modeled and analyzed that form the fundamental element of the paper followed by a thorough discussion upon the key implications for the use of teamwork and how teamwork prevails under the operational system in the organisations base d on the modeling of organisations framed using the analysis. The framework created by Burrel and Morgan (1979), which is the prime focus of the paper, provides different ways of thinking based on both extreme points in theory of society: regulation – importance and effectiveness of order and consensus in the society; And Radical Change – significance of conflict and transformations in development, the importance of creating mobility. These paradigms are also assessed by the subjectivist and objectivist approach. Principles And Paradigms For Analysis Of Organisations The way that organisations are structured makes significant impact to the overall efficiency and effectiveness in performance targets of those organisations as the inter-departmental links and coordinates and the communication channels within the organisation, determines to a great extent the efficiency in the work flow and the execution of the several underlying business processes. As the organisations maintained significant structural changes in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, organizational networks of task-focused teams was created for leading to flatter organizational structure. Teamwork emerged as facilitators in achieving positive, cost-effective satisfaction and staff retention (Grif?n et al. 2001, Heywood Jirjahn 2004 quoted in Xyrichisa Reame; 2008). Modern organisations are seldom following well rounded use of technologically and mechanically operating systems in the work processes as dynamic and matrix systems hat combine the several process and departmental groups together for the execution of projects that break the traditional lines of authority and spans of control. Such modern organisations are termed as â€Å"non-linear† in their behavior and present complexity in analysis (Scott, 2001). Different paradigms provide range of different ways of understanding teams and efficiency of teamwork within an organisation such as, importance of stimulating the support and commitment of employees to team working and organizational objectives by providing them more autonomy, and unity in the workplace, creating opportunity and ‘desire for a more enriched work experience’. Knights and McCabe 2003) or defining team working as a tool or technology that makes individuals simply subjects that guarantee their sense of meaning and importance of working as a team. Currently, teamwork have become as a prominent specification of a broader management fashion â€Å"in the direction of decentralised, flexible networks† that allegedly promote â€Å"a culture of expression and involvement† (Reed, 1992: 227, 229; quoted in Ezzamel and Will mott 1998), claiming it to be â€Å"currently the most popular form of organizational restructuring† (Barker and Tompkins, 1994: 224; quoted in Ezzamel and Willmott 1998). Mueller (1994: 386) describes teamwork as a work coordination that provides â€Å"re-align individual motivation with organizational rationality†. Evaluating the beliefs in managerialist perspective, the dominant assumption about the teams is that, they are ‘’instruments for redesigning the job’’ through increasing commitment, that do not consider individual preferences, personalities, and behaviours. (Partington and Harris, 1999) Mainstream – Functionalist approach directly focuses on the importance of teams. In this perspective team work is assessed as one of the essential elements of creating efficient organisation. ‘’No distinction is made between the use of mechanisms of organization to coordinate complex divisions of labor and their use to control and legitimize structured social inequalities of wealth and status. ’’ (Ezzamel and Willmott, 1998) The management literature has been found a lot of assumptions and analysis about the teams and team work in organisation as being a source of motivation for employees and job satisfaction, therefore increased performance. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for employees in terms of learning and skill acquisition, as well as information sharing, which may be particularly important in conditions of growing economic uncertainty (Wagner et al. You read "Different Paradigms for Analysing Organisation" in category "Papers" 1997; Wall et al. 2002; Vaskova 2007; quoted in SKOPE research paper 2009). Between the economic objectives of designing teamwork in organisations can be stated the incorporation of the management responsibility with the teamwork and removing the demarcation. Project teams get together number of employees rom completely different divisions and hierarchical levels of organisation for the particular objective. Increased job satisfaction, increased motivation between the employees, understanding around the meaningful work and its positive influence to the job performance are considered to be social or business objectives of the teamwork. Cultural objectives of teamwork refer to the rheto ric around understanding if the teams based on norms and values in organisations, ‘’we’’ feeling – corporate vision, mission statement and the like. There is great attention to the increasing efficiency and importance of team work in the literature and many authors have undertaken several pieces of researches that aimed to identify the major elements of effective team in organisations. The efficiency of team working in different cultural and organizational settings, operations and achieving the objectives depends on a number of various factors, such as, specifications of task, group composition, organisational context and other contingencies. The advantages of teamwork are often represented to a greater extent as an empowerment for employees, as teams provides them a degree of supervisory and managerial responsibility for the organization of their work facilitated through â€Å"individual responsibility and team accountability† (Tjosvold, 1991: 35; quoted in Ezzamel and Willmott 1998) Contrary to the authors of functionalist accounts, some fundamental researches on the literature suggest that use of teamwork is merely is a modern continuation of the rationale of Taylorism. Dohse et al. 1985; Berggren 1992; Thompson and McHugh 1995; Vidal 2007) In humanistic perspective ideology of teamwork is gives an emphasis on autonomy of the employees in the work and the responsibility. ‘’ †¦ that the incorporation of managerial responsibilities within team working will be welcomed by employees as an unconditional bene?t and that its refusal is irrational because it violates their essential human needs. â€⠄¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Ezzamel and Willmott, 1998: 5) However, Knights and Knights and McCabe (2000) show that, team membership is not merely responsibility that brings autonomy, it also means pressure for the members in many cases. Different forms of team can be created by management directive. They can vary in terms of the outcomes that they are expected to achieve, the level of decision making responsibility as most of them have little autonomy for decision making, size of the teams, work cycle, degree of integration with other units and the like. One of the major problems with the assumptions about teams and teamwork is that, ‘’both advocates and critics of teams tend to present them as a ‘package’ in which task functions, value-orientations and capacity for self- governance are all mutually reinforcing’’ (Thompson and McHugh 2009) As it is emphasized by Thomson and Wallace (1996) teams can vary in the forms and sizes, as an implication of a range of factors and components in it.. Three dimensions of these factors can be identified for analysing the efficiency of teamwork. Multi – dimensional approach to the team working helps to identify and understand more clearly various types of managerial goals and configuration of their practices. These dimensions are related with the governance – in terms of devolve decision making, delegated powers, self – regulation. There are some researches in literature that states the importance of self- regulation in teamwork in terms of both in terms of increased productivity and employee welfare. High degree of control over the teams causes the discretion and prevents personal initiatives at work. Second dimension of the teamwork is concerned with the issues that related to normative motives – shared purpose within the teams, cultural cohesion and technical issues, in terms of flexibility, integration and the like. ‘’†¦ team working is a move away from the hierarchical command and control workplace, and the decisive means of empowering the employee [24, p. 30]. But most acknowledge that even in the more advanced initiatives, â€Å"there is seldom talk of democracy† [11, p. 25]. Expanded responsibilities and self-regulation, in whatever degree, is a functional requirement of the new production environments rather than a goal of participation and involvement. ‘’ (Thomson and Wallace; 1996) Knights and McCabe (2000) suggest critical approaches to the assumption on understanding and effectiveness of teamwork that is illustrated by mainstream perspective, criticizing autonomous team concept is not realized, it did not displaced the rigidity of bureaucratic system in organisations. Teamwork does not decrease the control over the employees, change in the direct control and managing through responsible autonomy does not mean less supervision, it cause a less visible but equally constraining form of normative control, that encourages employees to internalise managerial definitions of organisational goals (Grenier 1988; Barker 1993; Graham 1995; quoted in SKOPE research paper 2009). ‘’However, teams did not always have autonomy. In 83 per cent of the workplaces with team working, teams were given responsibility for specific products and services, and in 61 per cent they could jointly decide how work was done. However, in just 6 per cent they were allowed to appoint their own team leaders. ’’ (Kersley et al. , 2007; 17-18; quoted in Thompson and McHugh 2009) Furthermore, state that ideal model of teamwork is over simplistic and is assumed in isolation from very important contextual factors that in essence, shapes it. One of the most important points of the effectiveness of teamwork is about task discretion. Both perspectives have impressive range of evidences about the implications of task discretion to the employee motivation. Optimists suggest that, the task discretion is the sign of high employee commitment and high productivity. On the other hand, there are powerful criticisms about this approach, concerned that, the task discretion declines the autonomy of the employees at work and creates danger for their well-being. However, independent work groups, based on the concepts such as job enrichment and re-designing creates an opportunity for employees for decision making on operational issues and various levels of integrated organisational skills, and also more flexible working in more integrated divisions of labour. How to cite Different Paradigms for Analysing Organisation, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Sustainability Accounting and Reporting Process

Question: Discuss about the Sustainability Accounting and Reporting Process. Answer: Introduction: The key objective of this particular assignment is to summarize and analyze the important insight from the source article. It encompasses the fundamental arguments in the article and to utilize the understanding as a base for designing a study project on sustainability reporting and accounting (Adams, 2013). The article articulates on the present aspects of ethics, sustainability reporting and accounting which primarily engrosses with those entities appealing to report and manage their sustainability performance. In this aspect, the journal attempts to address the importance of engaging with entities in pursuit of enhanced sustainability performance and accounting. Engagement study in sustainability reporting and accounting has the prospective to enhance practice, theorizing, and the sustainability performance of companies since it refers to all concerns that may be encompassed in an organization's sustainability report. The article discusses that environmental and social reporting hypothesis have been established without engaging companies that do sustainability recording regardless of finding out that the practice of reporting, participants attitudes and business philosophy play a significant part in defining the magnitude of accountability discharge through business disclosures (Ball, Grubnic, and Birchall, 2014). Companies are required to ensure that they maintain proper sustainability in their financial statements and recording that demonstrates how they report and manage their sustainability performance. Most of the organizations have shifted from the distinct terms of environmental and social reporting and accounting in favor of embracing unclear terms of sustainability reporting and accounting. This journal also presents a special concern which basically engages with organizations that practice the aspect of sustainability accounting and accountability. Companies all over the world use sustainability reporting and accounting so as to uphold the status of the company or even follow their general objectives. Management capture can be apprehended as the ultimate elucidation of corporate social responsibility by executives and the consequent resolution making in a restrained fashion that is steady with company goals of maximizing the wealth of the shareholders (Bebbington, Unerman, and Dwyer, 2014). The presence of management capture of corporate business responsibility suggests that deliberately efforts to widen corporate responsibility of companies are not likely to be successful. The challenges of engaging with organizations in pursuit of improved sustainability accounting and performance have prompted the difficulty of management reality, launching opportunities and risks for entities. In the past two decades of sustainability accounting and performance in management practices have basically refined the basic apprehension of the relationships between business success and sustainability aspect of firm because management accounting is considered to be an essential system utilized for preparing, generating and offering information for recognizing decision circumstances and enlightening decisions (Fonseca, Macdonald, Dandy, and Valenti, 2014). Building on the significance of this data, sustainability reporting and accounting have received significant consideration in the last ten years. Academics must engage with companies in pursuit of enhanced sustainability performance and accounting. Building on the relevance of this information, such engagements is viewed as having a significant effect not only on teaching students but also in applying for knowledge scholarship from research activities to forms of professional or management practice. It increases the effectiveness of public policy and services thus assist firm in enhancing the quality of life, health, and creative output (Gray, Adams, and Owen, 2014). In the light of the global financial crisis, the economic recession of most recent years and global environment, political and social challenges, diverse researchers in management and business schools have basically come under intensifying pressure to engage with the problems and dilemmas of the globe in which they operate. Academics that engages with businesses in pursuit of enhanced sustainability performance and accounting is important because it fosters global economic performance of companies. The role of accounting academics is often to assists diverse firms to initiate and maintain the aspect of corporate social responsibility (Joseph, 2012). Engaging with academics may involve mutual learning between companies and practitioners that allow businesses to inform new theories and academic theory to inform managers. Most of the companies globally will be able to utilize the knowledge instigated by the researchers to expand their respective business thus increasing their optimal revenues. Academics should be encouraged to engage in the pursuit of enhanced sustainability performance and accounting in businesses because it assists secure accessibility and increasing responsiveness of sustainability data. The benefits of the use and availability of sustainability data for business success is largely undoubted both for internal use and external communication because it enables firms to meet their set objectives (Ioannou, and Serafeim, 2016). Due to the information volume, makers of the decision of numerous levels tend to emphasis on the form of information that plainly adds to their major work, thus leaving a predominant perspective to the sustainability controlling unit. The number of big firms that on a regular basis report on their overall impact on improved sustainability accounting and reporting has drastically increased both in extent and in the complex. Diverse accounting community has historically viewed sustainability accounting and reporting as falling outside the traditional accounting study realm. Conversely, it is increasingly recognized that sustainability accounting and reporting is being adopted and used broadly that those individuals working in finance or accounting areas will remain ignoring the aspect at their own risk. This research study is basically to examine and explore whether the distinctive and more progressive process of improved sustainability accounting and reporting are possible in public sector industries (Lodhia, and Hess, 2014). The findings suggest that the existence of an intense communication activity through reporting media that are considered to be different from the traditionally improved sustainability accounti ng and reporting reports. In addition, these particular reports seem to be coupled with real organizational strategies and operational activities within Newcastle Port Company, Australia. The purpose of this particular research is to present a case for study in sustainability reporting and accounting in Newcastle Port Company claiming to report and manage their sustainability performance. Moreover, the study reviews the contribution on this particular issue. This perspective is necessary because it also provides an analysis and critique of the engagement study extent in the basis of sustainability reporting and accounting (Milne, and Gray, 2013). It basically draws in the administration field, critical accounting and management accounting so as to present an instance for advanced study engagement with sustainability reporting and accounting practice. The exploration of improving sustainability reporting and accounting will be accomplished by carrying out an intra-industry field study of Newcastle Port Company situated in Australia responsible for the distribution of water and the collection and water treatment. This particular research will apply descriptive study design which describes data and characteristics about the phenomenon being studied. According to Lodhia, and Hess (2014), descriptive research is the process of collecting data with the main objectives of describing an activity. The study will adopt this research design in order to enable the researcher to investigate the influences on improved sustainability accounting and reporting within Newcastle Port Company. The data used will be collected from diverse sources like Newcastle Port Company financial statements and Australian Stock Exchange website. Documents analyzed included company annual reports and accounts from 2011 to 2016, sustainability accounting reports wh en accessible as well as different disclosed documents that describe environmental management in the enterprise (Rinaldi, Unerman, and Tilt, 2014). Conducting the research on this particular phenomenon is vital because it will contribute to the effectiveness of business transactions by companies and ensure that the aspect of corporate social responsibility is upheld. This is essential for both academic and practices because it will instigate proper understanding of the influences and importance of sustainability reporting and accounting in practice. Extent to which the research project addresses the concerns raised in the source article Building on the relevance of this research project, it attempts to address the significant impact of the company utilizing the aspect of sustainability reporting and accounting in their operations because a lack of sustainability reporting could result to think that these firms are not responsive to external demands (ODwyer, Owen, and Unerman, 2011). Illustrating on the approaches and hypotheses of other discipline and the study in the exceptional issue, the degree to which the study project addresses the concerns raised in the source article is that the research attempts to present a way forward for academics engaging with companies that practice sustainability reporting and accounting. Engaging study in sustainability reporting and accounting has a prospective to enhance practice, theorizing and the sustainability accounting and reporting thus addressing the concerns raised in the source article. Engaging with organizations is often required so as to recognize how management and ac counting systems may decrease their undesirable sustainability impact. Sustainability reporting and accounting has become a progressively common exercise in firms attempt to react to criticism and expectations from the company shareholders who seek to be better conversant about the environmental and social influence of the business undertakings. Much of the study in this field of accountability and sustainability reporting and accounting has been inspired by an apparent issue for the natural situation (Williams, Wilmshurst, and Clift, 2011). The journal offers a study and assessment of the magnitude of engagement study in the area of accountability and sustainability accounting which basically draws management accounting and critical accounting so as to offer the case for advanced study engagement with sustainability reporting and accounting practice. Bibliography Adams, C., 2013. Sustainability reporting and performance management in universities: Challenges and benefits.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,4(3), pp.384-392. Ball, A., Grubnic, S. and Birchall, J., 2014. 11 Sustainability accounting and accountability in the public sector.Sustainability accounting and accountability, p.176. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Fonseca, A., Macdonald, A., Dandy, E. and Valenti, P., 2011. The state of sustainability reporting at Canadian universities.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,12(1), pp.22-40. Gray, R., Adams, C. and Owen, D., 2014.Accountability, social responsibility and sustainability: Accounting for society and the environment. Pearson Higher Ed. Joseph, G., 2012. Ambiguous but tethered: An accounting basis for sustainability reporting.Critical perspectives on Accounting,23(2), pp.93-106. Ioannou, I. and Serafeim, G., 2016. The consequences of mandatory corporate sustainability reporting: evidence from four countries. Lodhia, S. and Hess, N., 2014. Sustainability accounting and reporting in the mining industry: current literature and directions for future research.Journal of Cleaner Production,84, pp.43-50. Milne, M.J. and Gray, R., 2013. W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting.Journal of business ethics,118(1), pp.13-29. ODwyer, B., Owen, D. and Unerman, J., 2011. Seeking legitimacy for new assurance forms: The case of assurance on sustainability reporting.Accounting, Organizations and Society,36(1), pp.31-52. Rinaldi, L., Unerman, J. and Tilt, C., 2014. The role of stakeholder engagement and dialogue within the sustainability accounting and reporting process.Sustainability accounting and accountability, pp.86-107. Williams, B., Wilmshurst, T. and Clift, R., 2011, September. Sustainability reporting by local government in Australia: Current and future prospects. InAccounting Forum(Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 176-186). Elsevier.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

More Hyphenation of Phrasal Adjectives

More Hyphenation of Phrasal Adjectives More Hyphenation of Phrasal Adjectives More Hyphenation of Phrasal Adjectives By Mark Nichol Three types of phrasal adjectives are treated according to the same basic rules, as shown in the following (erroneous) examples, which are discussed and revised below each sentence. First, a definition: A phrasal adjective is a phrase consisting of two or more words that, when combined, constitute a single expression of modification of a noun. Phrasal adjectives are usually hyphenated when they precede a noun but left open when they follow one. 1. Embracing change is the only viable alternative to becoming a victim of the never ending cycle and escalating speed of innovation. The words never and ending team up to serve as a synonym for endless. Because they precede cycle, they are hyphenated to communicate their interrelationship as modifying elements: â€Å"Embracing change is the only viable alternative to becoming a victim of the never-ending cycle and escalating speed of innovation.† 2. The researchers highlighted the follow the herd mentality the students exhibited. A phrasal adjective can also consist of more than two words, as in this verb-article-noun idiom, which modifies mentality: â€Å"The researchers highlighted the follow-the-herd mentality the students exhibited.† 3. For New York Stock Exchange-listed organizations, the audit committee charter must include the committee’s duties and responsibilities. When a proper noun consisting of more than one word is linked with another word to form a phrasal adjective, an en dash is employed as a â€Å"superhyphen† to indicate that despite the number of words in the phrasal adjective, it consists of only two elements- the proper noun and the adjective listed: â€Å"For New York Stock Exchange–listed organizations, the audit committee charter must include the committee’s duties and responsibilities.† The original treatment mistakenly implies that the phrasal adjective is Exchange-listed, and that the three preceding words are unrelated, and the alternative â€Å"For New-York-Stock-Exchange-listed† is unwieldy and suggests that the elements of the proper noun are discrete. However, a better solution is to relax the sentence as shown here: â€Å"For organizations listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the audit committee charter must include the committee’s duties and responsibilities.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowDoes "Mr" Take a Period?The Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Write a Good Counteroffer Email

How to Write a Good Counteroffer Email Congrats! You got the job and it’s time for negotiations. You know you have to counter the first offer- that’s just good business sense. But perhaps you’re worried about being too aggressive and possibly losing the opportunity. You shouldn’t be. First, do your homework. Some companies are not willing to consider counteroffers. Maybe they have an established salary range that they’ve already maxed out for you. If you’re pressing forward, here are a few tips and strategies to help you get closer to the compensation you want.1. Think before you write.You’re not happy with the compensation package, and they seem open to negotiation. Do some research- find out what the average salary is for your equivalent position in that area. See what other commensurate companies are offering in the way of benefits and salary. Consider the whole package, including any relocation costs, sick days, vacation, family leave, telecommuting, etc.2. Know your va lue.Do some market research to determine what you should be making, given your skills and experience. Craft your best argument for a higher final offer. You’ll want to sell yourself with clear intel and reasons behind you for why you deserve a bump before signing. Look at local salary surveys, calculators, recruiters, colleagues, mentors, even LinkedIn groups and online research.3. Get time on your side.Buy yourself a couple of days â€Å"to think about the offer.† Don’t forget to emphasize your enthusiasm about the position so they don’t think you’ve lost interest. Show yourself to be thoughtful, not impulsive or anxious.4. Don’t be greedy.Don’t ask for more than is reasonable. If you ask for something within normal range, and you’re prepared to defend your ask, then don’t stand down and cave immediately. Let the process work as it should. And if you’re given what you ask, take it. Don’t try to then ask fo r even more.5. Go for it!Type your counter letter up in a standard business letter format. Put the employer’s information and your contact information in the header. Address the letter to your employer. Write an intro that emphasizes your interest and provides reasons why you’re excited and you think you’d be a good fit. Kill them with kindness. Then, in the body, include a short paragraph for every point of the original offer you wish to counter. Make sure to have done your homework and include appropriate reasons for why this is deserved. Then write a polite conclusion reemphasizing your keenness on the position and your respect for the company and their process. Offer, if you like, to meet in person to discuss. Sign it: â€Å"Respectfully yours.† And wait!6. Be ready to walk away.Don’t bluff. The last thing you want to do is put a number on the table and have them refuse to negotiate at all. If you say â€Å"I can’t work here for any les s than x,† and they don’t offer you x, then you have to be prepared to turn down the opportunity. If they are being completely unreasonable (i.e. they don’t have an established salary policy and are just playing hardball for no reason), then you might want to do this anyway.7. Be professional.Keep it classy and keep your tone measured and professional. Back up all of your asks with good solid reasons. Say ‘no’ nicely and learn to hear ‘no’ without going ballistic. Be as assertive as you need to be without becoming aggressive. Don’t be threatening, and don’t take things personally. It’s business, and a perfectly normal process.8. Listen more than you talk.If your process advances to face-to-face negotiations, pay attention to their body language and yours. Be commanding, but not pugnacious. Keep your mouth shut and be strong. The person who talks first often is the one who walks away from negotiations with the lesser end of the stick. And keep personal sob stories about finances to yourself.9. Get it in writing.If you succeed at getting a higher offer, make sure to get it in writing before you sign anything!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media - Essay Example In the article â€Å"New media, counter publicity and the public sphere† the authors provide the overview of the work of Habermas and his main ideas. In the works of Habermas, where he depicts the ups and downs of the public sphere, the special attention is paid to the special place of the public that criticizes media. He noticed that because of some changes, which happened due to the development of mass media, the public sphere had to change as well. It is unacceptable to allow media to create certain pattern of the vision that is imposed on the society. Moreover, the horizontal communication was changed to the vertical one. Dawney and Fenton state that â€Å"in other words, horizontal communication between citizens is increasingly replaced by vertical communication between mass media, greatly influenced by both the state and capital, and consumers. The space for participatory communication is severely constricted† (Dawney and Fenton 2003:185). Habermas would like to p reserve the rational essence from becoming the ideological one. The public sphere is the unique field for citizens to communicate equally and it is the direct way to form the democratic society. Habermas presented his own vision of the public sphere of the 20th century. ... In the modern society media actively communicates with people. We can see that non-mass media has been developing in different forms. Habermas raises important issue in his work trying to find the answer to the question, whether the independent public fields are able to create a debate with the help of mass media. He also notices that such independent public fields influence the mass media in general, but only in special conditions. According to Dawney and Fenton, â€Å"Habermas recognizes not only the existence of alternative public spheres but also their capacity for challenging domination. While he maintains that his analysis of the public sphere infrastructure still pertains to a mass media largely subordinate to the interests of capital on the one hand, and the state on the other, he has in the meantime revised his pessimistic opinion of the public.†(Dawney and Fenton 2003:187) It has become clear that we are going through the crisis and need to find the solution. It was mentioned above that Internet provides a great variety of opportunities making necessary information accessible (Sunstein, 2001). World web makes its possible to find any information very quickly and represents a perfect platform for advertising. It represents a perfect tool for communication and information exchange. However, despite all the pluses, the word web has it minuses Pluralism is one of them. It is essential to remember that Internet can be used in different purposes and it can be used by everybody. The fact that modern society is created by the mass media and not vice versa is the most dangerous (Verstraeten, 1995). It should be said that the political public fields arising as a part of the independent public fields can cause the fragmentations in the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Activating Content through Social Media Advertising, Curation, Micro- Essay

Activating Content through Social Media Advertising, Curation, Micro- blogging, Pinning and Posting - Essay Example This paper outlines a strategy on how a real estate agent activates and promotes content through social media advertising, curation, micro-blogging, pinning, posting, and link baiting. Social media is a viable option embraced by businesses in the contemporary society. Paid advertising is achievable in sites such as Facebook and twitter. On Facebook, a real estate agent can advertise its business through promoting a page and promoting its post through the â€Å"boost post† option. Recently, Facebook restricts the accessibility of posts, and only a page that has been â€Å"promoted† is likely to receive appreciable attention. Boosting a post presents several dynamics in which one can choose their target demographics, age bracket, and duration of post (Bailey, 2010). For instance, the name of a page may be â€Å"accessible and affordable housing†. It is a suitable strategy because one can easily make a budget based on the available options. In addition, Facebook can enable an agent to target particular regions, and a strategy that is specific to their demographical region is beneficial in terms of avoiding overspending and time wastage in redunda nt areas. The market is wide and newlyweds and job transients are always sprouting up every week. Gaining access to everyone at a global stage is nearly impossible, and in consequence, it is essential to identify and retain specified clientele. For instance, gay couples may prefer to stay in certain locations, and it is necessary as an agent to ensure their requirements are met. For that reason, as a real estate agent, I will specify the target countries and direct advertising towards the identified areas. As a real estate agent, I can utilize link baiting through highlighting the advantages of competitors while also promoting its brand. After one follows the link of its competitor or any other company, the individual may be interested in the links that are in the same page. Through link

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kelloggs Demonstrates Good Supply Chain Management Commerce Essay

Kelloggs Demonstrates Good Supply Chain Management Commerce Essay Through the three elements mentioned above, can build and supply chain management on the ground to allow the flow of materials and information in support of operations productivity, and management decisions through the chain. But difficult challenge facing the achievement of this series is that the processes of flow requires decisions then observe changes implementation according to the nature of supplier performance, and where suppliers can deployed across the world, the process of material supply and communication can be expensive and take longer, this must be supported by building strong, and communication protocols allow easy transfer of information across the world, and the elements of this construction are: †¢ Model for Supply Chain Management Review. †¢ Service data for supply chain management. †¢ Decision support systems productivity. †¢ Simulation systems. †¢ A knowledge database to manage suppliers. And to use electronic networks and communication technology in the implementation of various actions, and push forward the process of coordination and approach between the programs and plans through the chain, in order to achieve the level of performance of a good amount to the challenges posed by competition in the global market and the requirements of globalization business, and the impact of diversification on the product, and increasing complexity of supply networks, and shorten product life cycles. Of a key ingredient for the success of supply chain management is to change the organizational structure of the temple is known (organizational hierarchy structure ) to organizational structure linear (organizational networks structure ), and which is characterized by simplicity, flexibility and speed flow of information across teams and that perform operations and tasks entrusted to it faster, and thus enable them to respond quickly to changes in the work environment and quickly identify the opportunities that exist and retain the status of a better marketing. Why is it important for companies like Kelloggs to build good relationships with businesses in the tertiary sector? Support your answer with other examples. Company Kellogg is a very large company and they know exactly what they are doing, investing in the higher education sector is one of the best sectors for investment and company Kellogg have the potential to earn the trust of customers, the government and large companies and in order to provide the best products they have to cooperate and establish good relationships with the higher education sector and also having experience in the company gives them the security to be relations with any sector could contribute to the development of the company to expand the geographical reach So most large companies tend to invest and set up relations with the higher education sector who could give greater opportunities for forward direction for the better in the company Universities are the cornerstone for the Arab higher education both in terms of size or quality or the ability to progress and there is a tendency to collect all institutions of higher education under the umbrella of the universities.   So it if conducted any serious study on higher education in the Arab region, it should focus on higher education, as this education is concentrated where the aims of education and its significance. It is only through university education is offered in the Arab world, as it is the organization that allows students to obtain academic degrees Supreme like diploma in various sciences, as well as masters and doctoral degrees in academic areas. In addition, we find that universities, through the continuing attempts to establish institutes of higher education, and institutes for Social Development, prefer to evaluate the universities, in the light of the fact that you see that universities are no longer confined to academic studies alone, but it can provide studies less than level university, as can also offer Graduate. national and international, advertising companies and may be most importantly transport companies such as TDG, and the supply Chain of supermarkets and other retailers in order to be able to sell their products to the final customer efficiently. In the case that the retailers who sell Kelloggs products arent happy, they can immediately change their suppliers and this would cause a decrease in the profit of Kelloggs. Kelloggs needs to work with a good transportation service company, and to keep good relationship with them in order to deliver their products to their customers in time. Evaluate at least three benefits for large manufacturers like Kelloggs in handing over the logistical side of their business to specialist companies like TDG. In order company Kellogg from entering the market strongly it should increase the quality and reduce the prices due to the presence of many competitors QC and prices and among the obstacles faced by the company Kellogg He when they discovered that transportation is one of the necessary things in the company and that they suffered a big numbers of profits that they can exploit in other things so firm Kellogg found a solution to this financial waste and is contracting with a company TDG transport and this will help them greatly and will those losses were will lose in the past, as this company guarantees them access their products to customers and companies and a store safely and under contract with the company cheaply than in the past and dealing with a professional company better transport of cargo by the same company to avoid any error that may result from it, and become customers and companies are happy because the requests reach them on time and agreed. And the usual loads in road freight be in the range of 24 tons to 50 tons depending on the type and capacity of the truck. And there is also a lorry and a form of truck length of 6 meters only Half a lorry and be less in length and load weight average about 4 to 5 tons and there is also the truck Pickup and be payload tons and a half and is shipping land the second most important means of transport after shipping where a shipping Imad Maritime transport in the world of shipping. So Kelloggs has made the collaboration with the transport company TDG. This has helped them to minimize the unit cost of transportation. TDG keeps the warehouse costs low as they work with computerized heating and they are more specialized in transportation. Kelloggs decision to work with a specialized transport company and share costs with another producer (Kimberley Clark) has appositive effect on the environment as it reduces the waste and the fuel is used. This helps reduce costs as well. Kelloggs customers are happy with the replenish of products in time, and this generates into more orders for Kelloggs and their profits rises they sell more pieces at a lower cost. Using examples with which you are familiar, analyze the key elements of the marketing mix to suggest how an organization can improve its overall marketing strategy. Addresses the strategic entrance inter alia with regard to the external and internal variables as well as the guidance of senior management and the belief functions and the basic objectives of the organization. The product mix strategy includes a series of decisions that relate to products in terms of quantity and quality, shapes and levels of quality and the number of lines of main and secondary products within each line of products in addition to the number of product lines that can be inserted according to the productive potential available and the interdependence consistency and between lines within each product line. The address of the types of alternative strategies for product mix highlights the alternatives that are addressed in the area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the strategic choice of product mix, as well as to clarify the most important strategies that organization wishes to change the mix of products in the light of the availability capabilities and available resources and existing competition. In general, there are four options strategy represents the normal products and strategies are: 1 discrimination strategy: The organization is trying here to distinguish their products from other products of the same type in question and the development of depth by adding new products to the product line which increases the number of products, but do not give up what is of products previously and operating within the same industry where that discrimination is by design , mark and packaging and this means that the organization is action on the product, whether this change size or shape or brand, used this strategy when it is most competitive with an increase in the number of markets around the organization, as well as tracking in case of a potential surplus production or idle, and the existence of financial and human resources so that they can benefit from the new products in similar circumstances produced and marketed with existing products. This reflects the one-dimensional and is the consistency of a combination or integration of the product mix. 2 diversification strategy: And this means adding new lines to its existing product lines that are different uses for other products, but under the same brand. This means that the organization is seeking to deepen its product mix, diversification here means that the organization is expanding in giving opportunities to choose in front of the consumer and by providing a range of new products and by entering into new markets through the addition of a line or several production lines. This type represents the organizations strategy for growth, and this requires high skills, new technology, as well as multiple financial facilities as required to make a financial and regulatory changes in the business structure within the organization and which represent new cases from the past.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Organic Food Industry in India Essay

India today is on the threshold of an organic revolution and Indian Organic Food industry though at a nascent stage, has experienced steadfast growth in past few years. The country’s budding organic food market is transforming into world’s fastest growing organic food market backed by a shift in consumer behavior and spending patterns. Trends in the Industry Organic Food Stores New Varieties on offer Rising Investments Marketing Techniques Organic Food Industry has been blossoming in India. The industry to which overseas demand/exports was oxygen to breathe will be experiencing a colossal change in the consumption pattern in times to come. With growing health awareness among the people coupled with rising disposable incomes and support from Indian government, organic food will surely secure a permanent place in Indian households. Evolving perception of organic food from being a luxury only for elite to a necessity will drive the domestic consumption. Also, overseas demand for Indian organic food will remain robust and continue to drive the industry to rare heights. Indian Organic Food industry currently pegged at USD 189 million in 2011 is stated to grow at a CAGR of ~45%, to reach USD 1733 million by 2017. SCOPE OF THE REPORT Indian Organic Food Industry at a glance Emerging trends in the industry like organic food stores, Rising investments, Marketing techniques etc Demand Supply scenario encompassing production, demand & export numbers and projections Factors driving growth, Issues & Challenges Government Regulations & Initiatives in Indian market Major players Forecasts REASONS TO BUY To understand the various factors which are fuelling the growth and those which are/will be critical for the industry performance in the near term Comprehensive report covering all the aspects required to understand the industry performance and future prospects. The report elucidates the current market scenario of the industry and forecasts key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance A burgeoning organic market beckons to India’s rural farmers Indian farmers have started to reap dividends from their budding interest in organic farming. It wasn’t long back, around seven years ago, when Indian farmers started to go organic. In 2006-07, around 4. 32 lakh ha reported organic produce — a large portion came from wild and non-agricultural land — which has now reached around 11 lakh ha, as per the recent report ‘The World of Organic Agriculture, 2013’ by FiBL and IFOAM (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements). â€Å"The growth rate has reached around 20% per year, much higher than early expectations,† says Krishan Chandra, director, National Centre of Organic Farming. The current market for organic foods in India is pegged at Rs. 2,500 crore, which according to ASSOCHAM, is expected to reach Rs. 6,000 crore by 2015. It’ll still leave us at 1% of the global market. Thus, a huge potential is seen in the nascent Indian organic sector. â€Å"Apart from states like Sikkim or MP, we’re seeing a rising interest in Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, UP and Bihar,† says Chandra. India outnumbers every other country in terms of organic producers — with an estimated 5,47,591. Organic products, which until now were mainly being exported, are now finding consumers in the domestic market. â€Å"Even Tier II cities like Nagpur, Allahabad, Gorakhpur and Bhatinda show an increase in organic consumption,† says Sunil Kumar, AGM at Morarka Rural Research Foundation. According to a survey of 1,000 consumers in ten cities done by Morarka Organic Foods, around 30% of Indian consumers preferred organic products and were even prepared to pay 10 to 20% more for them. â€Å"Soil abused by chemical fertiliser excesses takes more time to produce comparable yields. Although, the cost of organic cultivation is much less, reducing cost incurred in purchasing costly inputs,† says Rohitashwa Ghakar, Project Head, International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture. * Regions reap their rewards North Growth: In UP, organic certification has gone up 36 fold in the last six years. The area under organic cultivation rose from 3,034 to 111,644 ha. However, most of the organic farming is under a corporate-farmer contract. In Haryana, with hardly any takers till 2008, organic crops today are produced in more than 10,000 ha. However, Punjab farmers have shown little interest. Of the total 4046 lakh ha of land under cultivation, only a minuscule portion 2104 ha is under organic farming. Popular organic crops: Nearly 40,000 farmers in UP are growing organic wheat, rice, pulses, maize, and numerous herbs like Tulsi, Ashwagandh, Aloe Vera. Haryana grows mostly vegetables like tomato, beans, or fruits like summer-squash, melons and mangoes. â€Å"Although I sell the produce in Delhi, most of it goes to retail chains†, says Kanwal Chauhan, a farmer in Sonepat. Challenges: Punjab State Farmers’ Commission consultant Dr PS Rangi feels that organic farming cannot feed the entire country. â€Å"One can grow vegetables or some wheat for personal use, but it can’t be grown on a large scale. † (By Pankaj Jaiswal, Rajesh Moudgil and Gurpreet Nibber) South Growth: In Kerala, at least 40 % of the farming is organic and the state is set to become the second fully organic state after Sikkim in 2016. From 7,000 ha in 2007, the state has spread organic cultivation to 16,000 ha. In Andhra Pradesh another 11,500 ha would be added to the current 4273. 54 ha this year. In Karnataka, under the organic programmes of the state, an area of 1,18,676 ha has seen organic farming benefiting around one lakh farmers, said R Anuradha, agriculture department. Popular organic crops: More than grains and pulses in Kerala organic farming is prevalent in cash crops, rice and vegetables. In Andhra’s smaller towns and villages, people are slowly shifting to organically grown rice, ragi and other millets. In Karnataka, crops like pepper, vanilla, coffee, nutmeg — which are not available in other parts of India — are a popular choice. Challenges: In large tracts of the state’s tribal belt like Karnataka and AP, the farmers have engaged in slash/burn farming for generations and do not use any pesticide or fertilizer. There have been no efforts to take this into account. (By Ramesh Babu, Ashok Das and Naveen Ammembala) North East Growth: 30. 92 lakh ha out of the net cultivated area of 43 lakh ha in the region have never seen the use of chemical fertilisers. Almost 89% of farmland is categorised as organic in Mizoram, which passed an Organic Act in 2004. Whereas Meghalaya, a major strawberry producer, eyes a turnout of 500 MT from the current 250 MT a year. Popular organic crops: Much of the area in the region is taken up by paddy, vegetables and fruits such as grapes. The more prosperous farmers are into cultivation of medicinal plants, rose and anthurium, primarily for export. â€Å"Mizoram has become the largest anthurium flower producer in India, owing to almost 98% of women anthurium growers,† said Samuel Rosanglura of Mizoram’s horticulture department. Challenges: Most state governments promote vermi-compost and manure in the region since bio-fertilisers and bio-pesticides are difficult to access. (By Rahul Karmakar) West Growth: Gujarat has seen substantial growth in organic farming. It currently utilises around 42,000 ha under organic farming. Maharashtra has been a front runner in organic farming with around 6. 5 lakh ha under it, a huge rise from 18,786 ha in 2005-06. In Rajasthan, there has been a ten-fold increase. From around 22,000 ha in 2005-06, the state has taken a leap to 2,17,712 ha. Popular organic crops: Gujarat grows organic wheat, pulses and fruits like mango, chikoo and papaya. While cotton, turmeric, ginger are some crops grown in Rajasthan. In Maharashtra, cotton, cereals, fruits dominate the organic farming scene. The state has initiated a pilot project to grow grapes that will produce organic wine. Challenges: â€Å"Tribals who hardly use chemical fertilisers are left out of organic benefits,† says Kapil Shah of Jatan Trust that promotes organic farming. (By Mahesh Langa) Yoav Lev was a 22-year-old backpacker when he first came to India in 1987. A graduate from an agricultural boarding school in Israel, he came seeking inner peace from his ‘spiritual guru’, the late H. W. L. Poonja of Lucknow, better known as Papaji. â€Å"The quest was to find my true purpose and true self,† he says. He eventually stayed on in India, taking on a new name, Bharat Mitra, and is currently the Founder and President of Organic India, one of India’s leading organic foods companies. It ended 2012 with Rs 60 crore revenues and hopes to reach Rs 90 crore this year, with about half of its sales in India. Five years ago, 75 per cent of our revenue came from exports and the rest from the domestic market. Now both markets have equal share:Raj Seelam Photo: A Prabhakar Rao Organic foods are those made from agricultural products grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilisers. It was from Papaji that Lev learnt the healing power of tulsi (basil plant). By 1997, he had begun cultivating three types of tulsi organically in Azamgarh in eastern Uttar Pradesh. In 2006 he launched Organic India with tulsi tea as its flagship product. Today, the company makes 18 different flavours of tulsi tea and 33 different herbal formulations or supplements, which are said to have medicinal value. He is gearing up to launch a complete range of organic food items, including rice and pulses. â€Å"We are in the final stages of a very promising joint venture to launch a comprehensive range of products both for the Indian market and for exports,† says Lev. He prefers not to reveal the name of the well known Indian company he is negotiating with. Lev is not alone. A clutch of entrepreneurs in India is betting big on the domestic organic food market . Consider Raj Seelam, an Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad alumnus. When Lev first took up tulsi cultivation, some 1,200 km down south in Hyderabad, Seelam was still selling pesticides and fertilisers. From 1988 to 2000, he worked in the farm inputs division of E. I. D Parry, a Murugappa Group company, one of the largest industrial groups in India. â€Å"It gave me a chance to interact closely with farmers and see the havoc that indiscriminate use of pesticides can create,† he says. This spurred him to consider organic farming, even though he was aware agribusinesses rarely succeed in India, because of low margins and excessive government control. Today, his company, Sresta Natural Bioproducts, sells a range of 200 organic products in India and overseas from rice, pulses, sugar, and juices to breakfast cereals and jams. â€Å"Five years ago, 75 per cent of our revenue came from exports and the balance from the domestic market. Now both markets have equal share,† he says. Indeed, the demand for organic foods in India has seen a sharp growth in recent years. While earlier, organic food producers primarily aimed at exports to Europe and the United States, there is now a gradual shift. â€Å"The demand for organic foods has been growing and today we stock a range of around 38 different organic foods in 40 stores as against just about half a dozen stores three years ago,† says S. Jagdish Krishnan, Chief Operating Officer of the retail and bakery divisions of Heritage Foods, an organic food company with a big presence in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. Most of the big retail chains now stock organic products, including Godrej Nature’s Basket, Hyper City, Food Bazaar, More, Nilgiris, Spencers and Tesco – Starbazar. While no of-ficial figures are available, industry estimates put the organic food market within India at close to Rs 100 crore, having grown five-fold in the last six years. When Seelam began organic cultivation in 2004, not a single domestic retailer was willing to stock his products. They feared stocks would not move, since organic foods are significantly more expensive than conventional foods. That is partly due to higher processing costs, since they choose to eschew chemical additives, as well as higher packaging costs, to ensure a reasonably long shelf life. A kilo of Sona Masuri rice, a well known brand, for instance, sells at Rs 40 per kg while organic rice of the same variety costs Rs 60 per kg. Again, tur dal (a commonly used variety of pulses in India) is available at Rs 90 per kg while its organic version costs Rs 140 per kg. This is despite the doubling of prices of these commodities in the past three years, while the organic variants have stayed at almost the same price levels. Seelam was forced to focus on exports. But unwilling to give up on the local market, he set up his own retail stores in four cities – Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune and Chennai – to promote organic products. Today, almost every major retail outlet is willing to stock his products. He has a presence in close to 40 cities and towns, ranging from Patiala in the north to Guntur in the south, and broke even last year. So, why have domestic consumers taken to organic foods despite their cost? Mukesh Gupta, Director of Morarka Organic, which mainly focuses on the domestic market, attributes it to rising disposable incomes and improved awareness about the health benefits of organic foods. â€Å"From 2007 to 2012, the average middle class income in India has shot up. The consumer is willing to pay more for good quality food,† he says. Between 2007 and 2012, the average middle class income in India has shot up. The consumer is willing to pay more for goodquality food: Mukesh Gupta Photo: Vivan Mehra/www. indiatodayimages. com The demand for organic foods will only grow in India, organic food producers claim, with the implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act from February this year. The new law sets more stringent standards of food safety – raising the bar on the quality of food manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import. The stress on quality under the new Act will push up prices of foodstuff made using conventional techniques, reducing the price differential with organic food, and boosting sales, asserts Gupta. However, consumers would do well to ensure that they only buy certified organic products, say producers. Organic food products manufactured in and exported from India are marked with the ‘India Organic’ certification mark issued by certification agencies accredited under the the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and monitored by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). Most of the ing organic food companies in India voluntarily opt for this certification, though it is not mandatory for domestic sales. â€Å"The demand for certified organic foods has been growing since 2001. These are produced by about 570,000 small farmers in India with 500,000 hectares under cultivation,† says National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) Organic products are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and socially responsible approach. This is a method of farming that works at grass root level preserving the reproductive and regenerative capacity of the soil, good plant nutrition, and sound soil management, produces nutritious food rich in vitality which has resistance to diseases. India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its various agro climatic regions. In several parts of the country, the inherited tradition of organic farming is an added advantage. This holds promise for the organic producers to tap the market which is growing steadily in the domestic market related to the export market. Currently, India ranks 33rd in terms of total land under organic cultivation and 88th position for agriculture land under organic crops to total farming area. The cultivated land under certification is around 4. 43 million Ha ( 2010-11). The Government of India has implemented the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). The national programme involves the accreditation programme for certification bodies, norms for organic production, promotion of organic farming etc. The NPOP standards for production and accreditation system have been recognized by European Commission and Switzerland as equivalent to their country standards. Similarly, USDA has recognized NPOP conformity assessment procedures of accreditation as equivalent to that of US. With these recognitions, Indian organic products duly certified by the accredited certification bodies of India are accepted by the importing countries. PRODUCTION India produced around 3. 88 million MT of certified organic products which includes all varieties of food products namely Basmati rice, Pulses, Honey, Tea, Spices, Coffee, Oil Seeds, Fruits, Processed food, Cereals, Herbal medicines and there value added products. The production is not limited to the edible sector but also produces organic cotton fiber, garments, cosmetics, functional food products, body care products, etc. EXPORTS India exported 86 items last year (2010-11) with the total volume of 69837 MT. The export realization was around 157. 22 million US $ registering a 33% growth over the previous year. Organic products are mainly exported to EU, US, Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, South Africa and Middle East. Oil Crops (except Sesame) leads among the products exported (17966 MT).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Who Else Wants to Learn About Essay Topics for 4th Grade Students?

Who Else Wants to Learn About Essay Topics for 4th Grade Students? Will act as a thriving topic ideas flow in their minds. The experiment is extremely small it's 1 class as opposed to a full nation. 1 thing I really like about Scratch is that the identical project can be re-created in so many unique ways. These things might not be mutually exclusive, and are probably both true to some degree. The worth of the story is dependent on a little market that is made up of the students, their teacher and myself. In reality, the ghost is really the exact same, as even he notes, regardless of the fact Madame Pomreeda's challenge specifies that three souls have to be saved. Three (identical) ghosts have to be saved to finish the activity. Explain what would make you wish to visit school in the summertime. Being a real math end of term test, it's an appropriate math for summer holiday activity for kids. The boys in the reduced grades are my buddies. Students will perform a game in which they choose cards and select the very best location to place the number they've chosen in order to acquire the maximum answer possible. Imagine you had the ideal room to do your homework. As you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. There are lots of good topics to choose and here are a few of the bests to pick from. If you're in the fifth grade and you've got an essay that's due these are a couple of top excellent ideas which may let you compose a really very good paper. Gossip, Deception and Essay Topics for 4th Grade Students It's simple to tell who didn't hand in homework because you simply have a glance at the rest of the clothespins! If you're giving a report about Greek Gods, for instance, study the matter, and get in the front of the class and wing it. The gods know of the endeavor to unleash Seth, but they're not able to act, as they exceed the height requirement to resist the forces of Chaos. Don't be concerned about spelling or grammar. There are a few topics that have been designed carefully in such a manner that 4th graders are ready to handle them. Ditch the conventional pape r-and-pencil testing for internet quizzes and tests you'll be able to create and automatically grade using these sites. Read our customers' reviews and feedbacks. Presentations are just enjoy that. Parents can help students succeed in school by making a particular effort to become involved in their kids' education. A seasoned professional will make an error-free assignment right away and can help you boost your grades. One, we apply an extremely careful collection of our writers. It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer since you can't ever be sure whether you are employing the ideal service or not. Whenever you choose to ask us for skilled aid, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support managers. In economics, the aim is to optimize social benefit. Several have rather high needs. Students will be assigned a number that has various factors and they'll discover partners with unique things that possess the exact item. Essay Topics for 4th Grade Students - the Story Write a story about something fun which you did with friends and family during the summertime. So as to teach someone something, you should know that topic well enough to be in a position to explain it simply and logically. My daughter observes I don't laugh enough. Another mom is responsibl e for the food. It's a remarkable method to begin the year! The following day, the ClueFinders return to discover the place deserted. To be able to keep our clients satisfied, if we need to walk an additional mile, we'd happily to do so with no sweat! Think of your favourite place to eat.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Don t Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko - 962 Words

In the article, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater, by David Zinczenko discusses about his childhood and how it has affected him. In addition, he explains thoroughly about fast food and the companies behind it. Zincozenko also talks about fast food companies have affected him and other in today’s world. Zinczenko ate a lot of fast food when he was younger because that is what his mother could afford. There were many people in this situation then and there are many people in this situation now. People go to fast food restaurants because it is convenient, cheap, and on the go. However, all these ‘restaurants’ do not sell quality food as they advertise on TV, radio, and online. They sell cheap, processed foods that cause health problems to their consumers without them knowing. While everyone generally knows that fast food is not good for their health, however people still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food have low incomes, are uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. Most people trying to save money are buying fast food and it is costing their health in the long run. This will eventually end up costing people even more money. Zinczenko talks about he has managed to change his health style around in college. However, this is not the case for many people. As Zinczenko states, â€Å"But most of the teenagers who live, as I once did, on a fast-food diet won t turn their lives around: They ve crossed under the golden arches to a likely fate ofShow MoreRelatedDon t Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko931 Words   |  4 PagesThe article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko discusses David s childhood and how it has affected him. In addition, he speaks about fast food and the companies behind it. Zinczenko ate a lot of fast food when he was younger because that is what his mother could afford. There are countless people in this situation. People also go to fast food restaurants because it is convenient, cheap, and on the go. The problem is that these ‘restaurants’ do not sell quality food as they advertise onRead MoreDon t Blame The Eater, By David Zinczenko Essay1496 Words   |  6 Pagesto go otherwise people would not have any income to live on. This is similar to the obesity issue. People feel like they are obligated to eat out all the time because of various issues. Some issues are explained in the essay â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater,† by David Zinczenko. The author asserts that children are suing big corporate companies such as McDonald s because it is making them fat. He states that it is an issue worth sympathizing with. In this essay, he draws from his past experiences as he grewRead MoreThe Article Don t Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko 974 Words   |  4 PagesThe article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater, by David Zinczenko talks about how a group of people are suing McDonald’s for making them fat. Zinczenko shares his experience on how fast food has effect his childhood and teenage years. He explains how teenagers can put on weight with a fast food and part of the problem is the lack in nutritional information about fast food. In addition, he speaks about fast food and the companies behind it. Zinczenko ate a lot of fast food when he was younger because thatRead MoreReview Of Don t Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko955 Words   |  4 Pages The title of my comparative stories are, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater† by David Zinczenko written in 2002 and â€Å"Junking Junk Food† written by Judith Warner in 2010. Food provides us with nutrition, but when is the nutrition considered too much? We live in a world where fast food is accessible at almost every corner. Why cook tonight when you can grab a burger for just a few dollars. A lot of families have parents that both work full time jobs. Sometimes it is an easier solution to grab a fast food familyRead MoreWhat You Eat Is Your Business By Radley Balko And Don t Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko Essay775 Words   |  4 PagesTwo explanations are debated in What You Eat is Your Business by Radley Balko and Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko. Both pieces create a good stance on the topic of obesity. Balko’s piece, however, has a better all around flow, organization and consistency. In Don’t Blame the Eater, David Zinczenko composes his opinion on the fast food industry’s absence of nutritional information and more. Zinczenko starts his piece by giving his own life experience. He recalls his childhood trying toRead MoreAnalysis Of DonT Blame The Eater1078 Words   |  5 Pagesthe one hand, David Zinczenko, the author of the article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater† argue that consumers should not be blamed for what they eat when they become unhealthy because it is not their fault. On the other hand, Radley Balko, the author of â€Å" What You Eat is Your Business†, contends that it is the consumer s false because they are responsible for what you eat and it is their business. Other even maintain neutral and agree with a little on both sides. In my opinion, you cannot blame consumers forRead Moredont blame the eater1292 Words   |  6 Pages the CDCP notes that one third of children and adolescents are obese. David Zinczenko, t he editor-in- chief of Men’s Health magazine, wrote an article focusing on his opinions of fast food and obesity. In David Zinczenko’s, article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater† he blames the fast food industry for the increase of health and obesity related problems. I completely disagree with Zinczenko that the fast-food industries are to blame. I think the reason for our obese nation is the lack of personal responsibilityRead MoreAnalysis Of Michael Pollan And Don t Blame The Eater1156 Words   |  5 Pagesmost profit from the least expense. Therefore, how can we trust an industry to make an ethical choice that will potentially hurt their business model? As exhumed by the articles â€Å"Escape The Western Diet† by Michael Pollan and â€Å"Don’t Blame The Eater† by David Zinczenko, the health care and food industries are not interested in suggesting we shift our diets towards a what they define as a â€Å"healthier†, more natur al one, but rather they are set upon developing and distributing a variety of processed,Read MoreDon t Blame The Eater Essay947 Words   |  4 Pages In â€Å"Don t Blame the Eater† by David Zinczenko, he discusses the dangers of fast foods and obesity. At first, Zinczenko blames the consumer for making such poor dietary decisions, but then says consumers are not entirely at fault. Through his article, he tries to convince the readers that the fast food industry is to blame. He uses writing techniques, appeals to emotion, appeals to personal authority, and facts to prove his case against the food industry. Zinczenko uses devices such as questionsRead MoreWho Can We Blame?1392 Words   |  6 Pages Who s to Blame? Have you been a victim of the so called â€Å" fast food obesity outbreak†? You re not the only one. In today s society this so called â€Å"fast food induced obesity† is a huge controversy concerning many countries today in time. The common culprits of the obesity issue is fast food, school lunch, and unhealthy food people consume at home. Who can we trust? Well many people believe that the consumer should not be responsible for their actions when it comes to consuming fast food,