Monday, May 11, 2020

The World Since World War II Essay - 1739 Words

Often times, natural disasters in the United States get large public media attention for several months. This can be seen in 2005 with Hurricane Katrina or in 2012 with Hurricane Sandy. There were hundreds of people across the country willing to donate food, clothing, and blood for months. However, in contrast the 2011 Tohuku earthquake in Japan received little attention publicly, but still received aid from the United States military. Often times, natural disasters are the first considered for needs of Humanitarian aid, however, that is quiet limiting to the various situations of different states. People of countries could be dealing with health issues, in-state war or external war, as a natural lack of wealth among the people. While many Americans feel that they are responsible for being the superhero of the world since World War II, there is also a strong sentiment that there should be little involvement in external affairs and let the states take their course, whether that be goo d of bad for the individuals within it. This notion is horrendously outdated in the current global standing of the United States. With as much wealth that is available in the United States, it should be expected that the responsibilities of the United States, as well as other developed countries, is to fulfill the requests made by the United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the minimum, regardless of what state an individual is born to. When considering this idea, there areShow MoreRelatedThe Crisis Since World War II977 Words   |  4 Pagesshaking building to tumble to its death. Screams can be heard amidst the chaos. No, this isn’t the setting of a bad dream, or even the plot of a scene depicting the throws of war. Terror, violence, and bloodshed, mark the reality of the civil war in Syria, which some claim is the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II. It seems like everyone has an opinion regarding what strides should be taken to resolve the issue, but no one answer can solve the problem at hand. The conflict in Syria hasRead MoreSyria s Refugee Crisis Since The World War II1017 Words   |  5 PagesThe world has not seen a disaster quite as extreme as Syria’s refugee crisis since the event of World War II. With civil unrest and violence disfiguring the nation into a place where only destruction is promised, the state of Syria has forced millions of people out of their homes with no choice but to flee. Without a secure destination ahead, the war is just one problem out of the many that refugees will come face-to-face with on their road to safety. 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The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a tragic day in history, society benefited because the U.S. Navy was proven to be the world’s greatest navy, once World War II ended an economicRead MoreCauses and Consequences of World War II777 Words   |  3 Pages World War II: Causes and Consequences On September 1, 1939 World War II started after Adolf Hitler signs the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler shortly attacks Poland, not keeping his promise. Shortly after the attack France and Britain declare war on Germany. Hitler was the cause of World War II since he broke the treaty causing other countries like Britain and France to declare war. Hitler kept all the Jews in concentration camps because he thoughtRead More The Eye of the Hurricane986 Words   |  4 Pagesstatus, since it maintained its trade with Germany. Switzerland’s struggle against fascism stemmed from its fundamental disagreement with the Nazi ideology. With a total land mass of 41,284 square kilometers, Switzerland is one of Europe’s smaller countries. Although landlocked and mountainous, several large lakes form natural borders. As a country, it supports several nations of people, and four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansch (Facts About Switzerland). Since politicians

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