Monday, February 3, 2020

Activating Content through Social Media Advertising, Curation, Micro- Essay

Activating Content through Social Media Advertising, Curation, Micro- blogging, Pinning and Posting - Essay Example This paper outlines a strategy on how a real estate agent activates and promotes content through social media advertising, curation, micro-blogging, pinning, posting, and link baiting. Social media is a viable option embraced by businesses in the contemporary society. Paid advertising is achievable in sites such as Facebook and twitter. On Facebook, a real estate agent can advertise its business through promoting a page and promoting its post through the â€Å"boost post† option. Recently, Facebook restricts the accessibility of posts, and only a page that has been â€Å"promoted† is likely to receive appreciable attention. Boosting a post presents several dynamics in which one can choose their target demographics, age bracket, and duration of post (Bailey, 2010). For instance, the name of a page may be â€Å"accessible and affordable housing†. It is a suitable strategy because one can easily make a budget based on the available options. In addition, Facebook can enable an agent to target particular regions, and a strategy that is specific to their demographical region is beneficial in terms of avoiding overspending and time wastage in redunda nt areas. The market is wide and newlyweds and job transients are always sprouting up every week. Gaining access to everyone at a global stage is nearly impossible, and in consequence, it is essential to identify and retain specified clientele. For instance, gay couples may prefer to stay in certain locations, and it is necessary as an agent to ensure their requirements are met. For that reason, as a real estate agent, I will specify the target countries and direct advertising towards the identified areas. As a real estate agent, I can utilize link baiting through highlighting the advantages of competitors while also promoting its brand. After one follows the link of its competitor or any other company, the individual may be interested in the links that are in the same page. Through link

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